
English Newsletters2023.08.01

30 Minutes of Swimming for Schools

Do the schools in your local city hold any unique events? Hamamatsu City has its own long-established event called “30 Minutes of Swimming for Schools.” This event is for all fifth-graders in the city, in which they are required to swim or float in the pool for half an hour. When their assigned day comes around, participants gather at Hamamatsu City’s FURUHASHI Hironoshin Memorial Swimming Center (ToBiO); where the entire pool is opened and course ropes are removed to allow participants to swim in a large circle. Any swimming style is allowed, including just floating, but most children choose to swim breaststroke with not many swimming the butterfly. This swimming event is held every summer. Participation is voluntary but 80-90% of students take part each year.


30 Minutes of Swimming for Schools has a long history, starting all the way back in 1966; thus marking its 58th anniversary this year. It aims to encourage children acquire the ability to swim in order to save themselves from water hazards and to develop a strong spirit as Hamamatsu City faces the Pacific Ocean and has the large Lake Hamana and a lot of rivers and streams. The pass rate of the test is about 97-98% every single year, and once students pass it, their names will be printed in a long list which includes names of all the successful students who have ever passed. The list now totals over 300,000 names, which really gives a sense of the long history behind this event. While many students pass, there are some students who are not fans of swimming for whom this event is a doomsday. Some skip the event, and others are inspired to go to swimming school for more practice.


I, myself, am a local to Hamamatsu and participated in the 30 Minutes of Swimming for Schools. At the time the event was mandatory for the fifth-graders, and I remember that I was worried just taking the 30 minute classes alone, so I joined swimming club at my elementary school to practice more. The more I practiced, the stronger I became and the more confident I felt having the ability to save myself should any incidents happen.


30 Minutes of Swimming for Schools is a Hamamatsu City summer tradition. If there are any unique activities in your city, why not share with us? Looking forward to hearing from you!



▲Practice at school



▲Test at the Swimming Center