About Us

1. Greeting

Greeting from mayor of Hamamatsu

Hamamatsu mayor Nakano Yusuke

Hamamatsu City has pushed forward its creative city initiatives based on the Basic Policy for Promoting “Creative City Hamamatsu,” adopted in March 2013, while simultaneously presenting Hamamatsu’s future vision of “A creative city built on civil collaboration, shining into the future.”

Moreover, in December 2014, Hamamatsu was designated as a member of the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) Creative Cities Network as the first Asian city in the thematic area of music. The city is highly regarded for its projects that spring from Hamamatsu being a center of music industry. These projects include those such as the Hamamatsu International Piano Competition and ACT City Academy of Music; the Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments, where musical instruments from all over the world are exhibited from unbiased perspectives; and most importantly, the enthusiastic and lively music activities of all the citizens.

Currently, besides music-related projects, there is a large and growing number of activities run by artists and creators who encourage more active local communities. The ideology of creative cities is to have creative activities utilizing the city’s unique regional culture and assets be actively carried out, leading to the generation of new value, culture and industries and raising the quality and affluence of life for its citizens. For Hamamatsu, with the city covering a vast area spanning urban sections to hilly and mountainous regions, this way of thinking can serve as a driving force to solve various challenges in the local community through civil cooperation and furthermore to enhance the appeal of the region.

Henceforth, Hamamatsu City will make use of its creative city branding and domestic and international networks to engage in exchange and human resource development with other creative cities, connecting this to the further development of Hamamatsu, including promotion of related industries.

Hamamatsu mayor Nakano Yusuke

Greeting from President of Hamamatsu Creative City Promotion Counci

President fujii naoko

Creativity and a “Yaramaika” attitude, “let’s do it” in the local Enshū dialect.
A competitive spirit bursting with determination is essential to the process of creating something new – and this kind of get-up-and-go attitude has long sat deep in the heart of Hamamatsu alongside a fervent sense of hometown pride.

Yet, individual instances of this “Yaramaika” enthusiasm are simply not enough – Hamamatsu must devise systems which facilitate mutual cooperation and collaboration if we are to promote the Creative City Initiative. There is a need for us to shine a light on the challenges undertaken by our citizens and guarantee a sense of transparency which promotes mutual cooperation.

However, we must remember that creativity is not simply born from nothing. Thus it is imperative that we offer as many opportunities as possible to allow our citizens to experience exactly what real creativity is. It is through these fine experiences that we can cultivate a fertile pasture in which the seeds of our “Yaramaika” attitude can thrive – for are we not also obliged to create the foundation on which an enriched culture can blossom?

Hamamatsu has been active in the promotion of initiatives created by various entities under the key concept of “Creative City Hamamatsu.” In 2014, Hamamatsu was appointed member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, since which we have widened the scope of our efforts in providing support to civic groups that can be active on the international stage, as well as fostering an environment that facilitates children’s participation in various creative and cultural activities – equipping them as suitable leaders to take us into the next generation.

Our aim is to construct a culturally and economically prosperous “Creative City Hamamatsu” which will organically connect together individual instances of Hamamatsu’s unique “Yaramaika” attitude and continue to create local strong points.

President fujii naoko

Hamamatsu Creative City Music Promotion Council

2. Hamamatsu: An Overview


Population: approx.800,000

Hamamatsu is in Shizuoka Prefecture, where Mt. Fuji is located. Located between Tokyo and Osaka, Hamamatsu has been a part of the comings and goings of people and products since long ago. As such, Hamamatsu has a free-spirited nature, not to mention a character of autonomy and independence from having accepted the cultures and people of other regions. In this atmosphere, global entrepreneurs and inventors arose in a variety of industries including musical instruments, motorcycles, and automobiles.

3. Hamamatsu Creative City Music Promotion Council

(1) Founding Objectives

We hope to be able to promote Hamamatsu as a Creative City of Music, by supporting creative and cultural initiatives, which includes music and art created by citizens and diverse organizations in the city, and by developing exchange and cooperation with other creative cities in Japan and abroad.

(2) Projects

The Hamamatsu Creative City Music Promotion Council shall engage in the following work:

  • ①Project Plan Development
  • ②Interaction and cooperation with other creative cities, domestically and internationally;
  • ③Development of personnel and training of leaders to support and take forward the Creative City;
  • ④Investigations, research and proposals regarding Creative City policies;
  • ⑤Promotion and provision of information regarding “Creative City Hamamatsu
  • ⑥Promotion of “Hamamatsu, a Creative City of Music”

(3) Council Members (As of April 1, 2024)

※Swipe the table sideways.

Title Name Field Title and Representing Organization
President FUJII Naoko Higher Education Dean
Faculty of Design
Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
Vice-President SHIMANO Satoshi City Administration Director General for Cultural Promotion
Hamamatsu City
Member UMEDA Hideharu Higher Education Dean
Faculty of Cultural Policy and Management
Shizuoka University of Art and Culture
Member UCHIYAMA Keiko Education Representative from Music Field
Hamamatsu Principals' Association
Member IMADA Toru Education Representative from Art Field
Hamamatsu Principals' Association
Member TERADA Seiko Culture Executive Director
Hamamatsu Cultural Foundation
Member SHIMIZU Kazuhiro Civic Group Music Director
Dolce Wind Orchestra & Representative Officer
"Yaramaika" Music Festival Executive Committee
Member IKUMA Masahiro Industry General Manager
Information and Culture Department
Hamamatsu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Member ANMA Hiroshi International Affairs Director
Hamamatsu Foundation for International Communication and Exchange
Treasurer NAKAMURA Kimihiko Welfare Director
Hamamatsu City Council of Social Welfare
Treasurer KANEKO Tetsuya Tourism Director
Hamamatsu & Lake Hamana Tourism Bureau

4. The Expert Committee on Music(2014-2015)

Areas of Research

The Committee debated the potential of and various challenges facing Hamamatsu as it works towards becoming a creative city of music, from the following three perspectives:

  • ①The promotion of music culture;
  • ②The promotion of music industries;
  • ③The development of music personnel.